How To Finance New Equipment for Your Business

by Jason | June 15, 2021 | Blog

When your business starts to grow, and your sales begin to increase, there comes a time when your current setup starts to feel a little inadequate. This is a natural stage in the evolution process of any business. To move forward and meet the new demands of production, you might need to invest in some […]

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How to Get A Small Business Loan?

by Jason | June 8, 2021 | Blog

Starting your own business is an exciting prospect, but it comes with its own set of challenges. They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first step that you need to take as an aspiring small business owner is securing finance for your business. Small Business Credit Survey […]

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Getting A Business Line of Credit – Pros and Cons

by Jason | June 1, 2021 | Blog

  If you are a small business owner looking at potential ways to finance a new company, you must be aware of getting a business line of credit for a new business. You might have already researched the different business lines of credit lenders on the market. And, you might be looking into how to […]

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How to Get A Small Business Line of Credit?

by Jason | May 25, 2021 | Blog

When your small business is just spreading out its wings and starting to grow, an injection of extra funds can make a world of difference. According to a Federal Reserve survey, Forty-Three percent of small businesses applied for additional financing in 2019! In times of uncertainty or staggered cash flow, a business line of credit can […]

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Inside Merchant Cash Advance – Episode 3 – Multiple Stack Positions, TMR Consolidation Program

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Podcast

This month, Val Pinkhasov, President of Total Merchant Resources, discusses how business owners are convinced to take multiple stack positions to avoid refinancing their initial merchant cash advance.  But this behavior puts a huge burden on a business’s cash flow which may force a business to shut its doors!  Total Merchant Resources can help your small business with our new consolidation program, which will consolidate […]

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Trends for Small Business in 2018 (Infographic)

by admin | January 26, 2021 | News

A new Microsoft Stores and SurveyMonkey survey of 1,300 U.S.-based small businesses predicts 90% of small businesses will hire one or two employees next year. The survey also asked small businesses if they were concerned about cybersecurity threats. 25% said they haven’t done much of anything to mitigate their cybersecurity risk and 50% said they weren’t “concerned […]

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Inside Merchant Cash Advance – Episode 2

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Podcast

Please listen to Episode 2 of Inside Merchant Cash Advance Podcast featuring Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish and President, Val Pinkhasov. In this episode, Jason discusses the fraud in the merchant cash advance industry and how small businesses can protect themselves. This is a follow up to a recent post on things for small business to […]

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Note of Caution to Small Business Owners on Business Loan Scams

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Learning

Update: This article also has an accompanying podcast: Inside Merchant Cash Advance – Episode 2. Entrepreneurs and small business owners in need of working capital are targets for unscrupulous criminals acting as lenders, loan brokers, or small business financial assistance advisors both in the U.S. and abroad. Their primary goal is to steal personal financial information, like […]

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Inside Merchant Cash Advance – Episode 1

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Podcast

We’re excited to launch the inaugural Episode 1 of Inside Merchant Cash Advance Podcast featuring Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish and President, Val Pinkhasov. In this episode, Jason discusses the current status of the Merchant Cash Advance industry. You can listen to the podcast right here, download it, or subscribe to the podcast feed. Listen […]

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You got funded! 5 things to do first with your merchant cash advance

by admin | January 26, 2021 | News

Congratulations! You just got funded with a merchant cash advance. Now it’s time to put that cash to work for your small business. Having cash in hand will certainly help make structural changes, win new customers, and grow your small business. That’s why it’s so important to stick with your business plan. To apply the […]

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