Total Merchant Resources receives California Lending License

by admin | January 26, 2021 | News

We are excited to announce we have received our California Lending License to capitalize on providing businesses with working capital in the Nation’s most populous state. This new designation allows TMR to quickly and easily extend money to small and medium sized business throughout the Golden State.“With more regulation and licensing requirements in the future we are […]

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Total Merchant Resources receives California Lending License

by admin | January 26, 2021 | News

We are excited to announce we have received our California Lending License to capitalize on providing businesses with working capital in the Nation’s most populous state. This new designation allows TMR to quickly and easily extend money to small and medium sized business throughout the Golden State.“With more regulation and licensing requirements in the future we are […]

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Jason Reddish and Val Pinkhasov interview on Small Business Now

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

Total Merchant Resources co-founders, Jason Reddish and Val Pinkhasov were interviewed by Small Business Now. Watch the video above as Jason and Val explain the benefits of small businesses in need of immediate working capital to fuel growth, expand operations, or make pressing repairs due to floods, fire, or other mishaps. Need funding today? Apply now with our Quick App on […]

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TMR CEO, Jason Reddish responds to $185M fine levied against Wells Fargo for illegally opening new customer accounts

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish, was interviewed by FIOS1 TV about what Wells Fargo customers affected by improper account opening by Wells Fargo employees to meet sales targets are going to need to do to ensure their credit is not affected by the scandal. “It was an unauthorized account that was open,” said Reddish. “So, technically it should affect the […]

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TMR CEO, Jason Reddish, on “Brexit” and its effect on World Markets interview on Bert Baron show

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish, appeared this week on the New Jersey Broadcaster Hall of Fame inductee, Bert Baron’s show on 1450 WCTC heard throughout central New Jersey. Bert and Jason discussed the impact of Brexit on global markets.

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5 Ways To Grow Your Small Business

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Learning

At Total Merchant Resources, we love to share information with our clients to support their small businesses. Sure, we provide funding for small business through our merchant cash advance loan program, which certainly helps our clients advance their business goals. But, running a business is not just about obtaining capital to build and grow your business. You can apply today for money to […]

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5 Articles On How This Election Affects Small Business

by admin | January 26, 2021 | News

At Total Merchant Resources, when you grow, we grow. We love providing insight, information, and resources to help you with your small business. One of the key factors we believe drives small business growth is the free sharing of information; knowledge is the best asset we have to make decisions about how to grow our small businesses. These […]

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TMR CEO, Jason Reddish, interviewed by Stark Group on News Talk Radio, 1490 WERE Cleveland OH

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish, was interviewed by real estate investor, Brian Stark of the Stark Group, on WERE News Talk Radio 1490-AM in Cleveland, OH. Listen to the interview and hear Jason talk about lending to and funding small business, TMR’s appearance on Shark Tank, and Brian taps into Jason’s […]

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Kerry Lutz interviews TMR CEO Jason Reddish 2-years after Shark Tank

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

Two years after their appearance on the popular TV show, Shark Tank, Kerry Lutz of the Financial Survival Network interviews our CEO, Jason Reddish, two-years after Jason and Val appeared on Shark Tank. Jason talks about lessons learned, how business increased 500%, and how their experience on Shark Tank and their dealings with all the Shark’s shaped the […]

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TMR CEO Jason Reddish interview on how to manage lottery winnings with WCTC’s Bert Baron

by admin | January 26, 2021 | Interviews

Total Merchant Resources CEO, Jason Reddish, appeared on the Bert Baron show, 1450 Talk Radio WCTC. the topic: How To Manage Your Lottery Winnings. This year, we saw the Powerball Jackpot hit over $1Billion. Jason talks about how taxes impact your winnings and what team (lawyer, accountant, and estate planner) you will need to make sure you have a […]

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